I would like to start off by saying that Total Mayhem is my favorite mode in Overwatch. Lately, however, it has become an annoying mode to play. Defend has about an 90% win rate, Orisa is an unstoppable, un-counterable juggernaut, Moira is practically unkillable, and Wrecking Ball can refresh his shields faster than a team of 5 can take them down. The meta has become so stale and unfun because you just know that if the enemy team has an Orisa+Moira, the game is going to take 30 minutes. And if you don’t have meta characters, you get steamrolled. In the past, this mode did get balance updates, like when they gave Ana’s sleep dart a longer cooldown. So why not now? Why does Blizzard not care about Total Mayhem anymore?

  • iwillshankyourkidsB
    10 months ago

    I also like total mayhem sometimes, isn’t the fact its broken what makes it so fun? By design it’s unbalanced