1 - Put 6v6 mode in Arcade with a 2-2-2 force-lock 2 - Reduce the health points of every tank by 50 to 150HP (depending on the tank) in that mode only 3 - Profit ?

I mean, keep the 5v5, it’s still a fun game although it’s different, I’d still play it to be honest, but just… give us the choice to play between both modes, that’s all.

C’mon… we have wacky modes like Mystery Heroes, Total Mayhem and No Limits… modes which are much more alien than mere 6v6…

So what’s stopping them from putting a single 6v6 mode in Arcade? Is it lack of demand ? Lack of resources because Blizzard is just a poor indie company ? Or maybe just ego ?

PS: to the “jUsT plAY oPeN QueUE” crowd I say the following: “open queue is still 5v5…”

  • Strife_3eB
    10 months ago

    The only improvement really OW2 has done over OW1 in a year is adding new heroes. And reworking some.

    Everything else sucks and is a major downgrade.

    It’ll split everyone like people have said. I’d rather apparently ‘shoot shields all day’ and 2CP than 5v5 trash respawn walk simulator without any counters and heroes designed to fuck off and leave your team to die.

    5v5 is brain dead hold trigger. No stuns etc

    6v6 requires thinking and skill. And having a brain to see chokepoints always had more than 2 or 3 ways to get through.