Hello to whoever reads this!
I’m a 21-year-old trying to navigate the path my future will take. I come from a lower/middle-class family, the way I’m currently living feels like a potential nightmare if it shapes my future or the resources I can provide for my future children. I understand you might wonder why I’m thinking so far ahead, but with many of my peers progressing in their lives and graduating university, I can’t help but consider my own trajectory. I want to build a name for myself, and in this era of high living costs, a normal job might not suffice. It seems like nowadays the only wealth that lasts is being born into generational wealth, which I wasn’t born into and so now I’ve gotta think outside the box.
Now, during my university break, the idea of starting a business or venturing into e-commerce (specifically, dropshipping) has been on my mind. However, navigating this market proves challenging, given the advice, some say “dropshipping is dead” while others sell their courses. It’s a bit overwhelming, and I’m left wondering where to start and who to trust for authentic guidance. Ultimately I aim to invent and launch a brand, my current wage feels inadequate for such goals. Therefore, my plan is to build my income before diving into the challenges of running a business.
I find myself at a crossroads, uncertain about the best path forward. I’m determined to make money, so any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Help a person out.

  • dreamed2lifeB
    10 months ago

    Commit to something and start and then keep figuring things out. Looking for others to tell you is not how it works. You get help when there is something to help.

  • Careeropportunity365B
    10 months ago

    Totally understand your pain. I’ve built a few dropshipping sites and sold a few as well. My biggest advice is stick with it. Drop shipping is how you get started in Ecom, not how you last. It’s a stepping stone to buying more product in bulk. Digital skills are paramount. Seo and influencers will give you a better roi than anything. Dm me if you want to partner up

  • SeedpoundB
    10 months ago

    its so hard finding genuine advice

    Chatgpt won’t be suffice ?

  • dabidoeB
    10 months ago

    " It seems like nowadays the only wealth that lasts is being born into generational wealth, which I wasn’t born into and so now I’ve gotta think outside the box."

    Comparison is the thief of joy. There will always be people richer, better advantaged than you. If you look at other people you lose sight of your own track. At 21 a lot of people have 0 income, hell even at 40+ some people do. Anything worth having takes time and effort. I like your positivity though, your “disadvantage” can be your fuel source if you harness it correctly. Adversity builds determination. Daddy’s money is a crutch for a lot of people, and trust me anyone who really wants to build a business has to put in the hours and tears regardless of how much $ is in the bank.

    My suggestion is to focus on your unique individual worth. Just diving into drop shipping, selling courses or whatever is cool but what’s your unique edge in that? The best way to make money is to start with building your own personal value. Learn skills, languages, soft skills like persuasion and empathy. Study like a sponge, learn to learn, get comfortable with adversity.
    As far as “What to do” keep in mind that everything takes time so choose wisely. Picking something you’re not suited for and gonna end up hating is a waste of time Your best bet is to do stuff you love. So if you love software/web design lean into a business model with that, but keep your options open and see what clicks.

  • im_next_B
    10 months ago

    Look, I’ll tell you this from experience, I started out in my late teens to set out to become my own boss before my mid 20s, didn’t work out so well… Doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for everybody BUT I made it in the end in my early 30s and I am financially free but that came with a lot, a heck of a lot of effort and equal amount of pain… The one thing I regret not doing when I had all the time in the world I.e. my teens and my early 20s is that, had I put my effort into learning modern day skills like social media marketing or coding, I could have gone a lot further, I’m doing it now but with so many responsibilities that comes with age, it gets quite difficult to take time out for your own self so my advise, take the time to master one or two skills and then move forward with your business pursuits… I know at this time, you might not feel you have the time to explore skills development… I did too when I was your age but trust me, I had time, so do you… You want to go into drops shipping but you don’t if it’ll be relevant anymore by the time you get there??? Learn social media marketing, once you master that, you can sell anything… I turned $300 into $150k…TRUST ME! Don’t rush it, focus all your free time and then some into learning a new skill first… Best of luck!

    • lawdog_awakenB
      10 months ago

      Agreed. Check the coding and social media marketing boxes while you’re still young.

  • travelguy23B
    10 months ago

    many of my peers progressing in their lives and graduating universit

    Why not ask these people? It sounds like they’re successfully doing what you want to do.