Hi everyone, I’m a french man of 31 years old going through a pretty intense depression after spending much of my 20s on the road. I am now in australia in a beautiful coastal town where life is sweet and people are incredibly nice. Thing is: I have been awfully depressed for the last year. I’ve seen most of my friends settling down, establishing themselves in France or australia long term through intense efforts to obtain their permanent residency getting married etc. I always saw myself living abroad, but never made so much effort to settle down anywhere. I’ve only worked in hospitality in the various countries I visited after obtaining my master’s degree in business (which I feel now is what people do when they don’t know what to do for a living). I consider myself open minded, speak three languages fluently, but I always had trouble with anxiety and self confidence. Now that I feel my travel life to be over, I am wondering what to do next. I feel like moving back home with my parents and look for a job somewhere in Barcelona or Toulouse where my family is. But I’m afraid my resume will make me unemployable anywhere. I’m also scared about my financial situation and my capacity to readapt to Europe after living in countries where life was so much easier. I feel like I just need a bit of shared experiences or encouragement. Anyway, it’s good to let it out.

  • Awkward_Illustrator9B
    10 months ago

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear you are depressed im also depressed for the same reasons but as a returned expat to Australia. I think what you are feeling is completely normal and it appears your values have changed. Maybe talking to a therapist and doing some values exercises could help set a new direction for you. I will implore though that as someone who spent 5 years living over in the UK and Netherlands returning home to Australia wasnt everything i hoped for and now i cant go back to Europe. Id suggest returning to France for a visit and really assessing if it will indeed give you what you are searching because the doors to Australia will close. If you go home for a visit it might help you to feel a bit connected again and make things clearer for you. As for worrying about a job you have a Masters degree and plenty of experience you are totally employable. You can look for a business internship back in France whilst working in hospitality, start a coffee van the options are endless. It wont be easy but it will be different and allow you to re establish yourself in line with your values. Have some faith things will work out.