Now, remember, stay classy and don’t boo me /s

Anyway, Personally, El Wemby having a low shooting % means only 1 thing to me. The kid is TRYING. And I say the kid because in fact he can’t even legally drink yet, I think people start to forget, he has a LONG LONG road ahead in his career. Let’s be honest here, the spurs are not winning any championships this year and with that being said, they can take an amazing approach where they try new things, polish their game but most of? Give guys REPS.

Practice, practice, practice, what better practice than in a real game? I love to see Wemby shooting his literal shot because with each pull and shoot, he’s doing 1 thing. Making himself better for the next game and the next one and the next one and before you know, you’re staring at a 20 something year old BEAST who leads the league in all types of ways.

Stop focusing on the stats and focus on long game. Mark my words, the coming seasons are going to be 🔥🧨

See you at the next Wemby-A game 🙏

  • dwrek24B
    10 months ago

    The grand majority of Wembys shots are fine. He’s hard a few games of forced shots but most of his 3s are open looks that aren’t falling.

    It actually annoys me more when he fades with a small on him in the post. Moreso because he’s not even shown he hits that shot than the “go be a big man and don’t fade” critique.

    His shot diet will improve with better lineups, a true PG and more chemistry with his teammates. He’ll learn how to get to his spots and how that fits into the larger offense.

    When his lower body strength catches up, it’ll also give him more options. His bag is limited because he can’t move NBA bodies around. So sometimes his imagination outpaces his NBA ability.

    That also affects his screening which affects his ability to get open off secondary actions. That also affects his endurance which means his legs are probably not under him fully as the games progress.

    All in all he’s fine and as you say trying. I don’t think this is anything not to be expected or anything to worry about. For all the adjustments he’s making at once at 19, he’s actually been fairly incredibly.

  • vaselinebabyB
    10 months ago

    You’re half right. Low shooting percentage is not a good thing. But it is an expected thing, and we should not be up in arms about it this season.

  • siphillisB
    10 months ago

    The only reason anyone gives a shit about his shooting splits is because of Chet. Wemby is not far off from what Tatum was doing as a sophomore while anchoring an entire defense. He’s been sensational, end of sentence.

    • AboutTime99B
      10 months ago

      Good point, Chet is not getting the attention because of SGA I assume. Much easier to be second option or less.