After the “hype train failure” thread blew up on here, let’s have some positivity! What games did you go in with negative expectations, only to get absolutely blown away? Were you a non-believer and a cynic? Or was everyone expecting a failure?

For me, it was Ghost of Tsushima. Despite the acclaim, I saw it as an Assassin’s Creed knock off and never bothered to play it. Plus I knew someone who’d complained about the side content, and I’d seen articles where people complained about the historical inaccuracies. Saw a copy someone had tossed in the bins (along with a few other games), ans gave it a go. Fell in love. Platinumed the game, couldn’t put it down. What a fool I was for not enjoying it sooner.

  • LogicalLetterhead272B
    10 months ago

    Metal Gear Survive.

    It’s easily the best zombie game I’ve ever played.

    It was NOTHING like Metal Gear Solid and there was no reason it should have been a part of that IP. I totally understand why people hate it. MGS is all about stealth and being able to use dozens of tools and weapons, as an expert military agent.

    In Metal Gear Survive, your tools are scarce and need to be placed carefully, and your character is just a guy. You need food and water and you don’t run very fast so it’s obviously annoying to deal with if you’re expecting to play as an action hero, but it’s amazing if you like slower paced, strategic use of your character.

    Still, the re-use of MGSV maps and the microtransations and grinding were pathetic. But the core gamelay was actually genius and that alone makes the game an 8/10 for me.