It will help if somebody just went the hell off about the team and the way they are playing. No more of the “let’s be patient”, “give it time”, it’s only Cades 90th game", “keep the core together, they got this”, “I see promise”, “there is light at the end of the tunnel” " Its alright guys, just keep watching the games till you throw up in your mouth", “it’s ok we are 2-30 guys relax”. etc. what are we doing as a fanbase. The optimism of the gullible boy band ass fans is crazy as hell. This team and ownership is unacceptable. This is a slap in the face to the fanbase that has been loyal to a fault. We are a legendary franchise with championships, no matter how you slice it. We should have way more, but the ineptitude of the FO in the draft have kept us from long term greatness. You guys should be calling for heads to roll, so loud, that the papers have no choice but to make it a headline. Which is also another reason why we have this shit product by the players. The local media does not hold this franchise accountable. Players playing like they don’t want to be here. Monty definitely doesn’t want to be here. We have a “um uh aww, uh yea” idiot in Weaver and a disheveled 80s coke head in Gore. What the fuck are we doing!? Boycott this shit. Make the LCA look like COVID era again.