I was only 7 when Aaron took over, so I don’t remember watching him play that season. I’m sure you’ve all seen the stat comparisons this week with Jordan and Aaron almost identical through 11 games as the full time starter. But I’ve heard over and over that people could tell right away that Aaron had “it” and that Jordan has looked bad. There has been some more positivity after the last couple weeks, but still a lot of skepticism about Jordan and his potential.

Given all that, what was Aaron doing differently that made him look so much more impressive to the fans?

  • bret2kB
    10 months ago

    Aaron put the ball where it was supposed to be on his throws since the beginning. Jordan Love’s completions have been ugly. Even on the short and intermediate routes, his accuracy really makes the receivers have to work for it. Even the first game, Love’s throws looked ugly and i thought they only won because of Aaron Jones.

    And maybe I’m just so used to watching Rodgers, but a lot of Love’s passes seem to float or just lack velocity. There were a few throws I was surprised weren’t intercepted because they were in the air so long.

    The last few games Love’s short/mid game has improved and looked more the part, but his deep throws are still very ugly. But I’m more hopefully now than I was four weeks ago and think there’s a chance he could be the guy. But I’m still doubtful the deep ball accuracy will ever be there.