The situation Pop has built is honestly malpractice for Wemby. Every other team in the top 5 would’ve given him proper guard support to get to spots that he could excel. The Sochan experience is a colossal failure and is depriving the fans of enjoying wembys rookie year.

  • paxusromanus811B
    10 months ago

    It absolutely is. Pops even said that they’re barely even running plays for him yet. They’re going to wait until they’ve got enough film showing where he struggles and suces naturally without coach interference before they start. Trying to actually structure the roster, and a game plan, around him moving forward. It’s a smart plan considering they have no chance of making the playoffs anyway.

    No people would much rather bash one of the greatest coaches of all time and wish for Victor to be catching an extra two to three lobs a game in places like Charlotte or Detroit, who, as we all know, have a storied recent history of developing stars…