Went on business travel to CA this month and decided to try driving a Tesla to see what it was like. Big mistake… coming home to my civic is painful. Coworkers told me a lot of my gripes like lack of buttons wear off after a month or so. I was already all in on electric for when my car eventually died but god, idk how long I will be able to stay ICE. Anyone else have similar experiences on test drives?

  • bhauertsoB
    10 months ago

    I thought this was r/electricvehicles’ routine anti-Tesla screed and upvote fest for the week. I am pleasantly surprised that it’s just a “I really enjoyed an EV I rented” message.

    OP, it’s tough to remain with ICE after you’ve enjoyed an EV. My rental experiences are often the opposite of yours: Since I have been driving EVs for many years, I find ICE rental cars hilariously under-powered, clunky, and loud. When driving a rental, I find myself thinking, “how are people deciding to buy new ICE vehicles in 2023?”