Riot released champion 100, Jayce, in 2012. In the 11 years since, we’ve only received a further 66 (as of Hwei). Meaning since then, the champions released year-by-year have become a lot more more reflective of their time of release, and came out to perhaps a tad more fanfare (sometimes).

So which year’s “Class of” champions is the best, considering how they were then, how they are now, their designs, teasers, kits, or any other metric you can think of? (This list doesn’t include VGUs, simply new champions)

  • Class of 2013: Thresh, Quinn, Zac, Lissandra, Lucian, Jinx, Yasuo
  • Class of 2014: Braum, Gnar, Azir, Kalista, Rek’sai
  • Class of 2015: Bard, Ekko, Tahm Kench, Kindred, Illaoi
  • Class of 2016: Jhin, Aurelion Sol, Taliyah, Kled, Ivern, Camille
  • Class of 2017: Xayah, Rakan, Kayn, Ornn, Zoe
  • Class of 2018: Kai’sa, Pyke, Neeko
  • Class of 2019: Sylas, Yuumi, Qiyana, Senna, Aphelios
  • Class of 2020: Sett, Lillia, Yone, Samira, Seraphine, Rell
  • Class of 2021: Viego, Gwen, Akshan, Vex
  • Class of 2022: Zeri, Renata, Bel’veth, Nilah, K’Sante
  • Class of 2023: Milio, Naafiri, Briar, Hwei (upcoming)
  • DiscipleOfAnikiB
    10 months ago

    2013 and it’s not close at all. Back when Riot understood how to make champs by starting with a simple premise and developing it to add depth. Aatrox and Quinn are the only champs from 2013 that have been reworked, and Quinn was a champ that Riot admitted was rushed, while Aatrox’s previous kit was still better than his current one.

    After 2013 is when we start seeing all the overdesigned 200 years champs more interested in breaking the rules of the game.