You are playing against Yatoro. You did not ban TB, Morph, Gyro, Muerta, Luna, Sniper, Anti-Mage, Chaos Knight, Faceless Void, Sven, Spectre, Weaver, PL, Huskar, Lifestealer, Wraith King, Bloodseeker, Clinkz, Drow, Medusa, Juggernaut, MK, Naga Siren, Riki, Slark, Troll, Ursa. You Lost. You play against Yatoro again, you just automatically lost.
I genuinely think the only theam he may have trouble with is GG with how fast paced they are playing. But even than there is a chance spirit just roll over the lanes of GG and their whole stomp you early and end before 30 min might be just done. That is if they beat LGD tomorrow of course.