• coolguysteve21B
    11 months ago

    Every year I forgot about how quickly some of y’all’s opinions change. Literally on Friday night people were saying the jazz are back, fast forward to tonight and we are the worst in the league.

    We are in the second year of a rebuild, these things take time to work out. We were really good at the start of last year because we had a definitive PG in Conley, now we are trying to find out if we have a future Conley or if we need to trade for one. Hardy also seems to be trying to figure out the best line ups and strategy, I don’t know if this zone thing he is doing works at all but obviously he is testing the waters.

    We also have played 3 play off caliber teams since the season started, yes the suns didn’t have Booker or Beale but this was a back to back for us so I’ll let it slide.

    All that being said…. Got Damn we need a point guard.

  • Andrewski18B
    11 months ago

    Anyone who watched that on Jazz+ should get a refund

  • MDRtransplantB
    11 months ago

    Gonna be a long season, fellas! Ainge has his work cut out for him in building a playoff roster.

    I’m gonna get downvoted to shit here but Lauri is the only “piece” we have that’s worth a damn (George and Agbaji look like nice prospects)

  • JoeInglesOPB
    11 months ago


    We are 3 games in and I am sick and tired of that stupid zone that Hardy is trying. It didn’t work against the Kings, and it didn’t work tonight. Multiple times it led to KD being guarded by Keyonte George, Kris Dunn, THT, Sexton, or Clarkson. For a team with a lot of length, why aren’t we using it??? If it didn’t go to KD, it went to Eubanks or Nurk who caught in at the free throw line and had a head of steam going into a layup. Worst defensive scheme I’ve seen from Hardy.

    Not a lot of redeeming plays from tonight.

    Lauri of course played well, especially in the first half. He ended with 19 points in 28 minutes. 5-7 from 3, 7-13 from the field. He didn’t take advantage of a smaller defender, which is what the Suns were throwing at him.

    Keyonte was another high note. 12 points, not the best shooting with 4-12 and 2-8 from 3, but 7 rebounds and 6 assists. He had two turnovers where he dribbled the ball of his leg on both of them, but he played the most minutes of everybody tonight. He definitely needs to start.

    THT is ass. 1-7 shooting, 4 points, somehow no turnovers but I don’t believe that. 4 fouls in 16 minutes. Absolutely ugly game. 2-4 from the free throw line…

    Fontecchio looked good late when the game was already over. 3-5 from 3, 5-7 from the floor with 13 points.

    Sexton was our second best guard tonight with 14 points 5 assists 2 turnovers in 22 minutes. He still doesn’t look good out there though. He had a strong 7 point first quarter, but dropped off in production afterwards.

    Clarkson played very sloppy. 7 points 5 turnovers 3-10 shooting. C’mon man.

    Agbaji looks like he got injured. He challenged a Eubanks shot and immediately held his right knee. He stayed in, but it didn’t look too good. He didn’t play at all the second half.

    Such an ugly game. Nothing to comment on besides the TERRIBLE DEFENSIVE SCHEME. I love Hardy but c’mon man. I didn’t know what I watched.


    • Mdgt_PopeB
      11 months ago

      RE the zone, you have to remember that learning a zone comes with a lot of failure. Even last year, Hardy wanted to drop the zone they were doing because it wasn’t working but the players asked to keep it a little longer and it eventually started working well enough to be used.

      A new defensive scheme is never going to work right away. The guard-Harden-from-behind method back in 2019 didn’t start working until G3, but it did work

  • DrJames_OxfordB
    11 months ago

    Dear Denver, Due to a lack of pgs and interior defense, may we please postpone our trip for a few months. Thanks!