I mean, I’m happy he got the buff, he desperately needed it, but over the past ~year or so Riot has only been investing time and effort into fixing things that have enough public outcry to warrant attention.

Ryze mains stage a mass inting spree? Buffed after two years of stagnation. Syndra mains send in death threats over a skin? Skin gets fixed. Vel’Koz mains do the same over their champion’s state? An ability gets work done two patches later.

The problem is that all of these are a vocal minority, most people didn’t see any Ryze mains TPing into fountain and most Syndra players were just kind of quietly disappointed with the skin. However, Riot is putting its designers under more stress than they have to by only responding to the most vocal players and public outcry.

Most Corki mains have shut up for four seasons now, most Zeri players haven’t been sending in death threats, and basically all of the Yorick players have been too busy sobbing in the corner to do anything rash. I honestly think that these champions would have more resources and attention allotted to them if their players were bigger assholes because that’s apparently what works now, and that’s a horrible precedent to set.

Recently, Shen mains are worried that their champion is becoming an ult bot and his power is shifting out of lane, where it has historically lied. Guess when Riot’s going to give their champion some love. Whole thing makes me exhausted for Riot’s gameplay designers.

  • LilTempoB
    1 年前

    I feel like Shen mains have one of the greatest ults in the game. Is that not what you play Shen for? What does TP bot mean if that’s the appeal of the champion is to play around his R + Stun? He doesn’t need to be the best at everything it’s like they see K’sante and say “Shen should be just like YOU!” ‘Difficult champions’ are being buffed to be made easier and it’s lowering the skill it takes to play them.