I’ve picked up jungle recently and it’s been going great. Silver but being put with plats (classic riot).

However this has been absolutely nasty to play now. If things go well then it’s kinda “meh” and no one really cares. But when things go poorly and you have to make decisions so quickly in so many places and none feel like the right answer. Then people blame you entirely (even if you have someone who’s 0/5 by 15mins) for everything and act like they gave you all the openings in the world despite all being pushed up and never rotating to OBJs. It’s exhausting. To the point I don’t even think I want to play it despite having some of my more favorited champs/styles

P.S: I’ve been told to game end myself in almost every losing game and every problem that has happened has been my fault.

  • SurrendernutsB
    10 months ago

    I would say learn to play Master Yi he can be fun and do some stuff. Now they changed him since old times so he is not that powerful anymore so in my opinion the best mythic item on him is Stride breaker.



    But yeah always look for positive interaction with enemies as early as possible.