you can if you want you dont have to use it, but its only for one game and getting S or S+ happens rarely.
you can if you want you dont have to use it, but its only for one game and getting S or S+ happens rarely.
Well wouldnt you want to dodge if you see your jungle is zilean?
Huh? You only get S or S+ if the 4 other people on your team did a bad job and you really powered through. If all teammates on your team are doing great and its an easy win in 15 min then you dont get an S because then its too easy.
In diamond and such ranks people also tend to be more careful about not dying meaning it gets more difficult to get S or S+.
Why you think that?
I would say learn to play Master Yi he can be fun and do some stuff. Now they changed him since old times so he is not that powerful anymore so in my opinion the best mythic item on him is Stride breaker.
But yeah always look for positive interaction with enemies as early as possible.
looks like you took the wrong rune, dont take conquer on Yasuo. Also the spirit visage was not the item you needed in this, better buy GA or qss or galeforce or immortal shield bow.
Nah meta is building hullbreaker and run around in circles until your opponents get tired or run out of structures
Actually a good idea to change hullbreaker would be its passive would only be active when dragon is not present on map.
Play Vayne and scale, if she gets HP you do percentage hp true dmg, if she ult you condemn, if she make a mistake you kill her.
Jarvan could hav dodged Oriannas ult with flash but decided it was better to die
just do your own micromovements