Stats from

With both Pascal/Yak Without both Pascal/Yak With Pascal, No Yak With Yak, No Pascal
Minutes 239 153 128 29
Usage Rate 20.6% 28.2% 24.9% 31.5%
Net Rating -0.2 -8.7 +14.3 -24.0
FG% 51.2% 37.7% 55.2% 47.1%
2PT% 57.3% 43.1% 56.8% 43.8%
3PT% 40.6% 29.4% 50.0% 100.0%
TS% 59.7% 45.1% 67.0% 56.0%
Points/Poss 0.97 0.82 1.21 0.97
AST% 20.1% 34.4% 24.1% 30.8%
FT Rate 16.3% 12.9% 53.4% 23.5%
3PT Rate 37.2% 40.0% 24.1% 5.6%
Points/36 16.5 19.0 26.8 25.7


  • mMounirMB
    10 months ago

    at the beginning of the season we had a Siakam + bench lineup. and that wasn’t working.

    when the team started focusing more on Siakam because of his bad start, they started putting Scottie with that bench lineup instead.

    Siakam gets to play with the more competent players but Scottie plays a good amount of time with the bench.

    lately we’ve put OG with Scottie and that lineup which should help.

    But I was never a fan of that Scottie + bench lineup.