I don’t know how this situation was before the addition of emerald because this is the first season I’m taking ranked games seriously, but I just wanted to know if I’m the only one who thinks there’s something wrong with this rank. Every single game feels like walking into a casino, going to the roulette, betting everything on red and praying for the win. You either have good luck and get paired with minimally competent teammates or you don’t and almost automatically lose the game. I’ve been hardstuck emerald this whole split and it legit feels impossible to climb out of unless you have a huge winning streak.
A month ago I was literally one win away from diamond and now I’m one lose away from platinum. It’s been ages since I won more than two games in a row, recently it’s straight up been a freefall. It’s amazing to me how the only option is to 1v9 your way out of this rank, and even then there are a lot of games you simply can’t win. I swear at least 70% of the games I lose (being pessimistic) aren’t even my fault, which is extremely frustrating. I play toplane so it’s even worse because the first 10 minutes I have zero control over what happens on the bottom side of the map. I legitimately think I’m good and I usually win lane but if the enemy adc/midlaner/jungler is 1934983/0 before laning phase even ends there’s nothing I can do. Of course I could win a lot more if I had the game knowledge and skill of a challenger player, but I’m in emerald and it shouldn’t be necessary to be THAT good to win. Even then, I’m 99% sure you could put any pro player you want to in my place and they still wouldn’t be able to win some of these games. You could tell me some of the players I get paired with are monkeys mashing the keyboard and I would believe it. I don’t understand how some people even get to reach emerald, it’s like there’s no way you’ve make it this far while being SOOOO freaking bad at the game, it’s unbelievable. Look, I get it that everyone is allowed to have a few bad games every now and then, but the moment there’s one of these players that make it look like they’re trolling on purpose in nearly every game, it’s a whole different case.
To put an example, I recently played a few games with a friend of mine who’s a lot better than me and the same thing happened in all of them. We were playing extremely well (if I’m allowed to say so, obviously you can always do better but you get what I mean), to the point where it was practically imposible to lose, yet our teammates were trying so hard to lose that they somehow found a way to do so. It’s impotence at its purest form. I don’t even get tilted anymore when playing because if that were the case I would already be seeking for help in a mental health hospital.
Oh and then there’s also the fact that, for whatever reason, most of the times I LOSE MORE LP than I win, which doesn’t help too much if you ask me.
I don’t know if I made myself clear or if anything I said makes sense at all, it could be that I’m just crazy but I know for a fact that I’m not the only one who thinks this way and, from what I know, this is a relatively popular opinion amongst players. That’s why I’m here, searching for reassurance and to hear what you guys think about it.
Btw in case anyone’s curious, my OP.GG is the following: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/CyclicalJaguar9-EUW
Correct tittle is :
League has a serious problem
with Emerald