I am currently Bronze 4, winning about 50% of the time. I feel like I’m a good player, and I’ve spent so many hours on this game, but the people I’m being match made with are so amazing at the game I just can’t compete most of the time.

I am currently level 134 so I’ve spent a decent amount of time on the game I suppose, and I’m definitely not used to spending this much time on a game and still being bottom of the barrel. If half the guys in bronze 4 have mastery 7 with a quarter of a million points, there is no way this game doesn’t have the highest skill floor

  • AtreusIsBackB
    1 年前

    If you’re a normal solo queue player, the plan is to learn tricks or popular strategies that work, which most people in low elo don’t know about. Either rotations, jungle invades, how to freeze the wave to deny the enemy safe farming, etc. Climbing to Gold should be fairly easy if you play a champion that is rewarding when you do things well in the early game.