Using the MoonDeck plugin on Steam Deck and Sunshine+MoonDeckBuddy on host PC correctly sets the monitor resolution on the host to that of the deck/external display but doesn’t change the resolution and refresh rate on the host back after disconnection. Can I fix this?


So I just got Sunshine and MoonDeck on my deck set up and was wondering if it was possible to get the PC’s monitor resolution and refresh rate back to normal automatically after stopping a game. My main monitor is a 1920x1080@165hz monitor. When streaming to my docked deck there’s no issue because the TV is 4K but my dongle maxes out at 1440p for 60hz so 1080p just stays as the default and there are no changes to the monitor settings. Works flawlessly for that use case. If I stream to the Deck’s internal display, though, the monitor settings get set to 1280x800@60 which would be fine if I didn’t manually have to change it back after a stream. Using a tool called nircmd I set an “undo” command in Sunshine to reset the display back to 1920x1080@165, which works if I manually execute the command, but because I want it to keep the right resolution when either docked and undocked, I have to keep the MoonDeck setting under Moonlight Settings set to pass the resolution of the deck to MoonDeckBuddy, which seemingly disables do/undo commands. I saw SunshineUtils on Github which could do the same thing as nircmd but also does not auto-detect the Deck’s resolution. Does anyone know if it’s possible to either use SunshineUtils, or a similar program, to auto-detect the connection’s (Steam Deck or external display) display resolution to input into a “do” command to circumvent the need for MoonDeckBuddy’s resolution passing so the do and undo commands work or to make MoonDeckBuddy reset the PC’s resolution and refresh rate after streaming? Sorry for the insider baseball terms but I can’t think of any way to express the issue without getting this specific. Cheers!

  • tyfunk02B
    10 months ago

    I use this plugin for sunshine and it changes resolution back and forth as needed.