I’m mid archon. What hero should I be banning at the start of the game? I think I should ban PL as I’ve had a 20% win rate against him this week. Thoughts? Suggestions? Advice?
Until your high mmr just ban who you hate going against. You can ban bad match ups or ban playstyle heroes. I ban sniper because I hate when he’s on my team and I hate playing into it. Competively speaking it’s a bad ban but it’s my preference
Mid Archon? Pudge. You can learn to play against any enemy hero, you can’t do shit anything about your Pudge 3 or 5 making the game 4vs5
Wrong subreddit
I always ban WD
Spectre is the sole most OP hero after the recent 7.34e nerfs.
If she’s already banned, just ban whatever you struggle the most against.The objectively correct ban is a top tier hero for your role that you don’t play, ie in 7.34d a support player might ban treant or grimstroke, a carry player might ban CK or weaver, an offlane player might ban spirit breaker or bristleback and so on, depending on what’s not in their hero pool
Personally though I’m currently banning AA/muerta/weaver kinda randomly because I’ve gotten pretty tired of playing against them so often
Anti Mage, becauae I like to play WK and SK. Can’t do nothing without mana and he is so annoying.
Legion or slark so it’s not on my team.
often feed dmg to the enemy and the players are often toxic