Dislike doesn’t actually do anything though, you can still be matched with people you’ve disliked
Dislike doesn’t actually do anything though, you can still be matched with people you’ve disliked
The objectively correct ban is a top tier hero for your role that you don’t play, ie in 7.34d a support player might ban treant or grimstroke, a carry player might ban CK or weaver, an offlane player might ban spirit breaker or bristleback and so on, depending on what’s not in their hero pool
Personally though I’m currently banning AA/muerta/weaver kinda randomly because I’ve gotten pretty tired of playing against them so often
Yes please. Ember is one of my favorite heroes but I’ve barely touched it since 7.34.
I mean it’s a matter of degree, obviously he’s not going to save someone dying in 0.4 seconds but he probably could if they’re dying in 4 seconds
In said game he absolutely could’ve saved people several times, but just decided not to and do damage instead, which was a big reason as to why we lost the game
I’m just saying, hero damage isn’t necessarily a good metric to go by, but a lot of people tend to use it to cope that “at least I did well”
Not necessarily a good thing btw
I’m literally just out of a game where our pos 4 pugna did the highest damage on our team, but also did barely any healing
We lost because our cores were getting bursted which he could’ve very easily prevented had he actually tried
No not really
I love this cliff when I’m playing dark seer on dire, you usually spend a decent amount of time in the area and just running past it and cliffing people when escaping a gank or when the support is pulling or whatever is great
I do talk shit sometimes, yes, I’ve never tried to claim anything else
What makes me think it’s bugged, is that between conduct summaries, where I’ve been muted, meaning I LITERALLY cannot talk shit, or anything like that, and my behavior score has gone up, my communication score hasn’t
If this is working as intended, how am I possibly supposed to ever increase my communication score?
I’m like 4-23 in the past week, down to 5.1 from 5.6
I mostly play 3 but I’ve found myself queueing 5 more and more recently because I’m just so tired of dealing with 4 players, I swear they’re on average the worst at laning out of every role and it’s not even close
Getting left to fend for myself for the first 2 minutes of the game because he wants to gank, doesn’t contest enemy pulls while having atrocious pull timing himself essentially gifting the enemy team a free large camp, completely disregarding my ability to farm if it means they can inconvenience the enemy team even the slightest, and so on and so on
And don’t even get me started on the dumb fucking heroes they pick, like if I have to lane with another pudge or timbersaw (yes, really) or nyx I feel like I’m going to scream
I’ve probably watched his stream for a grand total of 5 minutes ever and couldn’t really care less
Seeing the same post over and over when scrolling through a thread does become noticable though
He mostly plays 3 and 4, sometimes 1 and 5, mid if he has to when out of role queue tokens
I believe his highest winrate heroes are naga and warlock
Protip: making like 9 posts in a thread about how much you hate someone and trying to make fun of them, that doesn’t really reflect all that well on you
Also he’s gotten 3rd place at TI so I’m not sure about “no success”
What are you talking about, mvp means literally nothing
Absolutely not
Sounds like a bug
Play LD, dumpster almost any lane except vs lifestealer, take every tower, collect mmr
You sure you’d like 2 hour queues?
So basically, you don’t understand something, and rather than trying to understand it, you assume you know better and claim that players who are 100 times better than you’ll ever be, don’t know what they’re doing
You’re still gonna be winning more than 50%