Thinking about getting a EV. Just curious why you got yours. The reasons I can think of are:

  • Environmentally friendly 🌵
  • Cheaper Fuel ⚡️
  • They are cool/trendy 😎
  • Lower maintenance 🔧

Is there anything surprising that you found out after you bought it?

  • retiredminionB
    10 months ago

    Hands down for me it was environmental.

    Every school day we go pick up the grand kids from school. We park 1/4 mile out and walk in but most people sit in a huge slow vehicle line with their engines running. When the breeze is blowing the wrong way, it’s amazing that hundreds of kids waiting to be picked up aren’t keeling over from the choking exhaust. Many huge trucks, and one Ferrari, line up day after day.

    The fact that my Tesla is also the highest performing car I’ve ever owned is a delightful bonus.

    I wasn’t thrilled when some Ya Hoo in a jacked up pickup apparently hated EVs, or perhaps Teslas, and tried to run me off the road. I took the opportunity to politely inform him about the performance of an EV and watched him fade away in my rear view mirror.