There I am buying a Christmas tree with my wife and 6 year old daughter last night. Proudly wearing my Bills Hoodie.

Up walks an Eagles fan and says: “How’s it gonna go tomorrow?”

I respond how I normally do when asked this question: “All depends which Bills team shows up. If Josh Allen is on, he can be pretty unstoppable. But who knows what’s gonna happen.”

The Eagles guy laughingly responded with: “You must be delusional if you really think the Bills have a chance.”

I shook my head and said “Right, have good one.”

Hope that puts some good Karma on our side. Go Bills!

  • tcxnyB
    10 months ago

    Worst city in America, worst fans in America.

    • tljmjmB
      10 months ago

      My son lives there (in the heart) and we visit quite often. It just depends on who you are around. I’ve never once been heckled or disrespected while wearing my bills gear but I also don’t act like a dick. The only thing that is a regular is the blowing of the horn if you don’t accelerate in .3 seconds after the light turns green. I actually get more comments in Cherry Hill across the river. I’m a Celtics fan and went to the game last year where Joel Embiid missed the 3/4 shot as time expired. I was cheering and not a single 76er fan said anything. To be fair again there is cheering respectfully and cheering like a dick.