Has to actually be underrated or unknown not just a cult classic.

  • BladebrentB
    10 months ago

    Khimera:Destroy all Monster girls is one I really enjoyed. Charming megaman-like game that was really fun (despite the name, its more a ‘you beat them then befriend em’ kinda thing). Also, its FREE so no reason not to try it

    Quantum Protocol was another interesting one. Its sort of a deck builder roguelike but you play through levels, and you also choose the character and deck you play; its just you get random cards that can either belong to that character or be general ones. Unlike other roguelikes where its about “oooh, if I get this card, I can make a super OP build if I get lucky”, and its more about learning how to use the character you picked well. The story isnt too long and there is a full random chance mode you get AFTER the stories done but I actually preferred the fixed levels to them despite the fact I usually like fully random roguelikes.