Season 13 split 2 (current date)
Season 13 split 1 ( 2 weeks before season ended)
Season 12 (2 weeks before season ended)
Since the Lp changes and beginning of season 13, elo inflation has been anything but very common on the ranked ladder. Masters used to be top 10k and top 0.27% now it is top 18k and top 0.71%. Basically the same as diamond 2 last year. At the end of the split in summer, it peaked at 22k players. More than double. How is this thing not fixed yet ? The devalueation of ranks and decline in ranked integrity has gone too far at this point.
It feels very bad to know that the same rank is now worse compared to last year and to know that in order to reach the same elo your were in, now you have to climb higher.
(Note : No this isn’t about emerald addition and gold being silver etc, elo inflation was present last split as well when emerald wasn’t in the game)