I was up until 4 am last night thinking about the question and I honestly want to know other people’s thoughts. I feel like a solid Diamond 3 makes sense, I don’t see him hitting anything higher but maybe it’s possible?
diamond 3 are you serious? whether you like the man or not, he grinded toward being the single most powerful man on earth. now obviously he burned out, but getting there alone is crazy commitment. and he did it all politicking, playing the game.
if he put that exact same drive into league my man is challenger for 2-3 seasons before he falls off and becomes a lower Elo streamer who has great patch run downs and almost no drama. bare MINIMUM.
You’ve been watching too many AI created presidents play league videos
No way Diamond , Plat 1 tops, probably Gold 4
Little Bro/sis, I think it would be better if you stay away from your keyboard and personal Computer for the time being and see some psychiatrist.
he wouldn’t play solo queue , he would stick to normals
Bronze. There are no drone champs
I could see Michelle hitting silver one day
I don’t even think he’d play ranked. Bro would be an Aram only enjoyer.
Ziggs , Corki and Gangplank main and he like to spam ziggs R alot in-game and in real life…
Well he would have been late 40s when the game came out. I think reflexes could be quite tight still, if he had been playing MOBAs since the mid 2000s and actively gaming before that (assume since 1980s), so lets assume that - but he still would probably be a little slower than your average youngin playing.
However he is clearly above average intelligence, good at studying and critical thinking, so his strategic thinking in-game is superior to most players. I’d say diamond at a minimum, as he’ll probably have great macro comprehension of the game, good map awareness, probably lead his team to wins. He won’t be as gifted in execution however, but not poor, if he’s continued playing from earlier games.
Bottom line: he would probably make it to Diamon safely, maybe a little higher some seasons, or if he can find a good team that play with consistently. His age will have a minimal impact on practiced reflexes, and his keen intellect will offer a clear advantage in team games.
This really depends:
A) he can play fulltime? Low Masters
B) he plays after work and League is his only real hobby? Emerald-Diamond
C) he plays after work, but also played some golf or went out with friends? Hardstuck gold.
He is all talk and no work. Probably writes a whole ass paragraph before every game.
Aoc is silver
Sbf was bronze
Martin Shkreli was gold
Marco Rubio’s son is plat’
he would be in the top 50 in the world for full ap malphite top.