I see a lot of anecdotal comments about users’ past or present Thinkpads on this sub so I’m curious how many FW13 buyers have come from a Thinkpad or have a Thinkpad as a second machine and how many have migrated from other brands.

I see the appeal of Framework for the old-school Thinkpad tinkerer. The FW13 will be the first non-Thinkpad I’ve owned since the old 570 back in the 1990s (although, granted, I’ve always been able to get EPP pricing on Thinkpads, which has influenced by purchases). My other laptop is a Gen4 Thinkpad P1, which is too big and power hungry to really be a good travel machine, but I will probably replace it with another powerful Thinkpad P-series laptop sometime in the next year for all the editing I do at home.

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  • hydedanB
    10 months ago

    MacBook Pro 2019 (intel, touch bar). It was between FW13 and new MBA but I got a crack in my MBP screen the day I got it 4 years ago, which taunts me every day… the ease of replacement on a FW was an easy selling point

  • madchemist09B
    10 months ago

    My last laptop was a comically oversized gaming laptop (acer predator helio 700). Had a slide keyboard and rgb up the wazoo. Big loud and almost 0 baterry life. The keyboard stopped working in one spot and the battery cant be replaced. Im sick of disposable laptops and want one that can be fixed, upgraded, and customized. Now with career, kids, etc wanted a much more professional laptop with mobility. With the amd igpu it will be able to some light gaming on the side. Fw13 amd was a dream come true. Guess i will repurpose the old laptop into a desktop for a family member.

  • Stolen_RecarosB
    10 months ago

    My previous laptop was/is an Acer Nitro 5 from I think 2018? It has an AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, AMD Radeon RX 560X, 16GB of ram, a 256GB SSD, and a 2TB HDD. Still moving things between them. The old Acer’s plastic chassis is literally held together with duct tape at this point.

  • Arthur-SCB
    10 months ago

    Surface laptop 2, which is slowly dying. Mostly because of overheating and a very poor battery life. So my new laptop should have a replaceable battery. But i also like the customizability, mostly because of the amount of RAM i want. There are only a few laptops of this size with 64gb of ram. Also, the price isn’t any higher compared to other laptops where i live. It’s even cheaper than most other laptops if you buy your RAM and storage separately.

  • Link_0610B
    10 months ago

    I have a HP dB 1xxx laptop. R3500u, upgraded to 32gb RAM and 1tb storage. But today my fw13 AMD arrived. But the delivery came 15min after I left for my university so I have to wait till the evening…