The new LCK line ups are here!

Who else here is waiting how the LCK change up rosters will perform?

personally, I"m looking forward on the newly vamped Gen.G roster and HLE roster, still wating for KT’s roster, (if the roster is announced let me know)

HLE’s 2024 roster

Doran Peanut Zika Viper Delight

This roster has a lot of potential to be good, let’s see how it pans out. Peanut is a good jungler, Zika has to perform well, Viper too, and can Delight work his magic as he did back with Gen.G

Gen.G 2024 roster

Kiin Canyon Chovy Peyz Lehends

Imo, This Gen.G roster has the strongest roster, behind or maybe on par with T1. Kiin is a good toplaner, but not the same level as Zeus (we’ll see how the new season pans out) Canyon is a great jungler, there’s a reason why he is on the top of the POG list on LCK 2023 summer split. Peyz has to build his momentum from the previous season. And Lehends, we’ll just wait and see how lehends performs alongside Peyz.

Honorable Mentions:

T1’s 2024 roster

Zeus Oner Faker Gumayusi Keria

T1 on the back of a Worlds win retains their roster with their cornerstone coach of kkOma. We’ll see how T1 performs next year

DK’s 2024 roster

Kingen Lucid Showmaker Aiming Kellin

This roster I’m not a 100% sure it will pop off seeing as their carry jungle Canyon goes to Gen.G. we’ll see how this roster will perform

How abt you? What other LCK 2024 roster are you buzzed abt?

  • Blaikiri7B
    10 months ago

    Funny to see that 3 weeks ago everyone said they would never trust Doran Peanut and Chovy ever again

    And now all of a sudden HLE and GENG are strong rosters

    Just funny haha (surely Canyon isn’t mid at best his 4th split in a row, surely Zeka will finally become a top4 mid this split)

    • SwagLord7B
      10 months ago

      Well atleast domestically these rosters should be pretty good. But internationally these players are just gonna shit the bed again of course, like they always have. I have no idea how Canyon and Chovy are gonna work out, and yeah honestly these two (Canyon, Zeka) are just boosted by name value nowadays. Canyon was indeed pretty mid this season

  • SongsForTheDeftB
    10 months ago

    If Teddy isn’t on a team I’ll be truly upset. He is a top 5 adc in the world.

  • ahritinaB
    10 months ago

    T1 ahead of the pack, the gap between Zeus and the rest is massive, plus you re-signed Tom and then got kkOma too.

    Gen.G’s roster is a downgrade for me, Doran > Kiin, Peanut >= Canyon, Delight > Lehends, also I’m not sure how a Kiin + Canyon + Chovy top half works, it’s not like you have ego-less players like a Faker or a Yagao to faciliate your jungler as they sack waves etc.

    HLE well, you upgraded but man you just picked up the players from Gen.G who troll internationally but Viper Delight is a massive bot lane.

    The rest are w.e

  • lordtentaiB
    10 months ago

    Im so sad that it looks like Prince is gonna be teamless

  • xdduserB
    10 months ago

    HLE roster slaps. Zeka + Viper with a real jg/sup is going to be interesting.

    Gen.G roster, nah. I don’t see it working when you have 4 players that need resources. HLE has players that are better in all roles besides mid but I don’t think that’s what is going to win Gen.G the series vs them. Stylistically it’s not a team I see beating T1 or HLE.

    DK, tough to say. If Lucid plays like the prodigy he’s supposed to be they’ll be good.