I just want worlds tbh
Anything else is cherry on top
Funny to see that 3 weeks ago everyone said they would never trust Doran Peanut and Chovy ever again
And now all of a sudden HLE and GENG are strong rosters
Just funny haha (surely Canyon isn’t mid at best his 4th split in a row, surely Zeka will finally become a top4 mid this split)
Berserker was never making main roster over guma Teddy
It’s not just him, many many big streamers at risk
He’s just lucky enough to be Korean so he can at least delay if something actually happens to him
Yep. Very interesting and I think LPL teams as a whole look weaker if everything turns out like rumors say
JDG: Breathe/acad top, Kanavi, Yagao, Ruler, Missing
BLG: Bin, Xun, Yagao, Elk, On
BLG with no Yagao to rein them in is… rough. Also strange since the BLG roster was friends
LPL is very different from the regions when it comes to rumors
They always take longer and nothing is for sure until pen is on paper, whereas rumors in other regions are usually leaks from management and player agents
There are rumors Knight/Yagao may swap teams
Also that Breathe is nowhere near guaranteed and they might have to have an academy top for JDG
T1 got baron and overchased they threw too lol we were not perma down
Rumor is he’s going back to TES over Shanji
So 369 Tian Creme JKL Ming
JDG is picking up Breathe it seems
I mean literally yea lol
Keria said they did the teaser literally like an hr before it released
LPL is always last minute
Some rumors I have heard on Weibo/ Hupu
TES Ming, Shanji and Creme, Tian also extended
BLG trying to run it back but Weiwei is biggest LPL jungler rn
Rookie may be going to military/ only has a couple offers
LNG is keeping Scout and possibly getting rid of Tarzan and Hang
No one knows what JDG is doing since they have embargo
Cuzz and Clozer may go to RA
TheShy considering taking a break
This should be fun
For fun picks only? I want to see nilah zilean bot from T1 with a mix up of Fakers Yasuo Oners Diana and Zeus Yone
Had 1 bad game the entire tourney where the rest of the team had more than 1
On top of the fact of how much better T1 looks when he plays
Could argue Oner too
current off-season updates (leaving/FA players ONLY):
GENG doran chovy peanut delight
DK canyon canna deft
KT kiin cuzz aiming lehends
LSB burdol clozer teddy kael
DRX beryl croco fate deokdam
BRO morgan umti hena effort
current off-season updates (leaving/FA players ONLY):
GENG doran chovy peanut delight
DK canyon canna deft
KT kiin cuzz aiming lehends
LSB burdol clozer teddy kael
DRX beryl croco fate deokdam
BRO morgan umti hena effort
current off-season updates (leaving/FA players ONLY):
GENG doran chovy peanut delight
DK canyon canna deft
KT kiin cuzz aiming lehends
LSB burdol clozer teddy kael
DRX beryl croco fate deokdam
BRO morgan umti hena effort
current off-season updates (leaving/FA players ONLY):
GENG doran chovy peanut delight
DK canyon canna deft
KT kiin cuzz aiming lehends
LSB burdol clozer teddy kael
DRX beryl croco fate deokdam
BRO morgan umti hena effort
current off-season updates (leaving/FA players ONLY):
GENG doran chovy peanut delight
DK canyon canna deft
KT kiin cuzz aiming lehends
LSB burdol clozer teddy kael
DRX beryl croco fate deokdam
BRO morgan umti hena effort
It’s for branding, but welcome to the family Rekkles!
His review was pretty much:
Hmm let’s review together with the viewers-> only watches teasers -> gets bored watching game -> lets solo q -> oh wait I said I’d watch it…
He said he already reviewed it himself so he was too bored lol