He was a good QB, but bounced around from team to team since he was seen as an asshole and very difficult for coaches to deal with. Things were not any better in Washington, especially when he started in two games during the 2001 season, with the team going 0-2, and the Skins got rid of him, and he had 24 hours to remove his personal items from the Redskins’ facilities before they were discarded.

  • KneeDragrB
    10 months ago

    One of the most talented arms in NFL history, crazy quick release, could throw it 50 yards with the flick of the wrist on a rope. Timing was an issue with that fast of a delivery it’s hard to hit people in stride, especially on go routes. Could squeeze into crazy tight windows if the receiver sat down though. Bad mental game, didn’t play well when behind or under pressure. Poor attitude, believed in his own hype, narcissistic, finger pointer. Overall bellow average player.