
  • dance_rattle_shakeB
    10 months ago

    Probably not, tho horror as an entire genre I stay away from. I’ve experienced enough horror in my life, the idea of experiencing it recreationally does not compute for me.

  • sometipsygnostalgicB
    10 months ago

    I haven’t got PTSD, my grandfather does and it’s nasty, but I do have what might be described as post traumatic stress. It’s a funny one but anything with child abuse or even school bullying makes me feel sick and angry.

    The child abuse one is more common in videogames, it’s emotional abuse that hurts more though. I don’t count a parent, guardian, or older sibling being straight up evil as child abuse. It’s more the amount of psychological control they have over their kids. So the evil older brother in Fable 3 doesn’t upset me (though I care enough to remember him), but Kratos does. But Kratos is far from the worst dad I’ve seen, since he seems incapable of controlling his son and he does encourage Atreus during the game. He was just distant. The good news is that games tend to not put you in a position of vulnerability, so it’s rare that I see something like that, especially as I NEVER touch the horror genre.

    Child abuse and school bullying are both quite common in tv media, anime, and bad movies lol. People can hear my blood pressure rise as we watch those scenes. We’ve been watching lots of One Piece and usually characters are CARTOONISHLY evil, but fucking hell that series makes me so mad sometimes. Robin’s backstory especially, and now I’m bracing myself because we have Sanji coming up and I know his is ten times worse.

    My partner has certain scenes and phrases that upset her, and it’s highly possible she does have PTSD. So anything with sexual abuse and certain words must be avoided or at least warned of ahead of time, otherwise we are not watching or playing that thing again for a while. Her taste in games is tame like mine though, neither of us play horror so we don’t find any really uncomfortable scenes. But we do play some graphic novels independently of each other sometimes and of course those are uncomfortable for any woman reading even if you haven’t got bad experiences. I don’t want to introduce her to Danganronpa.