My uncles home exterior contracting business when written as a url has the word “sex” in it. When you make the first word before exterior plural.
My brother did something similar with just using his full name and middle initial (s). When together, it basically Said “Steve s Johnson”. which if you have a 12 year Olds brain, his business name is literally referring to his own reproductive organ… just saying, might as well have called his business “Steve’s Penis”.
My uncles home exterior contracting business when written as a url has the word “sex” in it. When you make the first word before exterior plural.
My brother did something similar with just using his full name and middle initial (s). When together, it basically Said “Steve s Johnson”. which if you have a 12 year Olds brain, his business name is literally referring to his own reproductive organ… just saying, might as well have called his business “Steve’s Penis”.