Let’s all be fair. If this was LAST year , regardless who the coach was, you would be happy with the Wilson trade .

Very high completion %, 5/1 TD to INT ratio and QBR of over 100. The yards aren’t there and the escapability isn’t as good as 5 years ago but it’s not terrible.

Have you changed your stance about wanting Russell , at least for one more year, before making up your mind if he is the right guy for the job ?

  • Account3857B
    10 months ago

    Hasn’t changed, I knew he wasn’t the problem, I always give leeway when a player joins a new team/system but regarding last year it was very obvious that Hackett was the main problem.

  • HarvardHoodieB
    10 months ago

    He has only had 1 game with over 200 passing yards on this win streak (I feel like he has to be close to some sort of record for wins in a season with less than 200 passing yds). It’s been fun but to be real if these TOs we are getting on D slow down I think we will see more Ls roll in. Payton has Russ on a leash as well as our offense I’m sure he’d like to let it go but that’s proven to lose games, so I would like a QB Payton is comfortable handing full control of the offense he would like to run.

  • Live795B
    10 months ago

    He’s been good at managing the offense. I don’t think he’s been this elite QB, but he has been excelling in Payton’s offense. I don’t feel worried like i did last year every-time he drops back, in fact, I’m starting to expect him to pull crazy shit off. He’s older so regardless of his play he isn’t a long term solution, i do however think a Russ and Sean combo mentoring a young QB will be amazing. I can see us getting someone in the first in the ‘24 draft to groom.

  • BlueHighwindzB
    10 months ago

    The more boring he plays the better he plays. He’s Bridgewater but good. That’s what we needed.

    I think I could live with him until 2026 if we keep winning.

  • OldBrokeGrouchB
    10 months ago

    It’s hard to watch him sit there in the pocket and then check down or take a sack when the film is showing open receivers. That being said, I thought he was a little better in that regard against Cleveland. He made some good throws and he makes a lot of big plays on his feet.

    I will say that he has not made many mistakes this season. He’s playing very carefully which will win you games if your run game is decent and your defense can stop the other team from scoring. But he’s going to have to start taking risks and making some tight throws if they are going to get to the playoffs and win a playoff game.

  • JuguitoDeMango73B
    10 months ago

    It was a tough start for him, but it seems like he has finally found the right chemistry with Payton. I have really high hopes for this duo!

  • EconomicsOk9593B
    10 months ago

    Let’s be honest…. We need a strong reliable wr2 and tight end… somehow Russ and Jeudy ain’t jelling and our tight end is non existent till 1 endzone td.

  • jl_weberB
    10 months ago

    Yes, my opinion has changed.

    I felt like he was nearly cooked and the flashes we saw occasionally were “dead cat bounces” before he fully fell off the cliff.

    But this streak of good play has shown me that he’s still very capable. He’s doing a lot at the line and he’s getting the team into good protections and good plays most of the time. He’s been running more, keeping plays alive, and making some incredible throws in the red zone.

    There are some things you’ll always have to live with when you have Russ at QB: Too many sacks and less than desirable accuracy on short-intermediate throws, but those limitations aren’t total backbreakers anymore.

    While I still think the Broncos need to be looking for their next QB, I no longer think they need to find a new bridge QB. I think Russ can be that bridge QB with a high upside as he gets more familiar with Payton.

  • Level_Watercress1153B
    10 months ago

    He looks completely different than last year. Like a completely different person, and if I didn’t know any better I would say he is. Last year was so weird to watch. A competent, Super Bowl winning QB, that couldn’t make basic throws and looked lost. Almost like he had the yips or something. Wide open receivers 8-12 yards in front of him and the ball would be way behind, or skip 2-3 yards short. It was the most unusual thing I’ve witnessed in a long time.

    I honestly couldn’t care less if he throws for 150 yards a game or 350. This idea that a QB has to sling the ball all over the here and put up ridiculous video game numbers every week in order to be considered a great QB is absurd. What’s his completion percentage look like? Is he converting third downs? Is he turning the ball over? How many first downs is he picking up? Is he sustaining drives? Is the offense controlling the time of possession? Those types of things to me is what determines if he’s a great QB or not. Josh Allen is a gun slinger, and will throw for 3-400 yards a game week in and week out…. But he’s also turning the ball over and turning it over A LOT and it shows in the Bills recent performances and W/L over the last 6 weeks or so.

  • Ded0099B
    10 months ago

    I think a lot of people are forgetting how we won Super Bowl 50.

  • cblackwe93B
    10 months ago

    I was not too down on him last year, obviously the season sucked but I refused to believe the drop off could truly be that severe. I agree with what some others have said that he seems to be on the move more and making plays…last year some of his best throws were on the move.

    I think Hackett took his “I wanna be more of a pocket passer” thing way too seriously and it seemed like he would rather take the sack then bail out of the pocket. Sure he’s not putting up yards, certainly wont be up for MVP or anything…but importantly is he’s being Russ: making plays when it matters and not turning the ball over.

    VJ turning the defense around certainly helps too I have to believe, at least with the mentals of it. 15-16 turnovers in 5 games is stupid, but I love it so much.

  • BigPh1llyStyleB
    10 months ago

    As someone in the Pacific Northwest, I heard and saw Russ his entire career in Seattle. When we got him, I was excited as he always seemed to be one step up above a game manager, but seems to play really smart last year. Got me a bit concerned, and I thought he lost a few too many steps, but also noticed that he was playing in the pocket, which is absolutely not his strength.this year has me back to believing the same thing I thought about him several years ago, which is that he is a mobile non-running rollout quarterback that is one step above a game manager. He’s going to be smart with the ball. Keep us in the game and have a good last drive or two to win it.

  • Substantial-Car8414B
    10 months ago

    My thoughts on Russ is he is becoming exactly who we need him to be , not who we wanted him to be.

    I think Russ has shown he has all the attributes to keep the franchise competitive and relevant in conjunction with Payton . I do believe wether it’s this year, next year , or the following, we should look at taking a QB to sit behind Russ for a few.

    What I don’t know is if Russ gets a ring or not.