In short:

  • buff some of Warwick base stats at LV1 (AD most recommend)
  • Nerf Warwick stats scaling.


  • Better early game Warwick.
  • The same late game Warwick or slightly worse (depends on what results in fair winrate).

I think the biggest issue with Warwick, especially Warwick jungle right now is that his early game is unreliable as it used to be. He can’t full clear as efficiently as other junglers since he doesn’t have any form of AoE clear and is forced to buy Tiamat at 1,200 gold, which forces most Warwick users to make risky plays, such as early ganking or invading enemy jungler. And its extremely frustrating that as Warwick proc his passive healing effect, he can’t sustain well enough to survive if enemy laner rotate to help. Heck, even some junglers can try dodge Warwick’s E then one-shot go right back in and still out DPS Warwick in spite of his passive healing, which tells you something about weak Warwick current is. Even ganking that early is very risky as laners have better starter items (doran’s) and if your teammate doesn’t commit to your gank, you die very easily in 1V1 against laners.

My suggestion is to buff Warwick base AD at LV1. That way he have faster clear against Blue buff/Red buff/Gromp and able to be there when enemy jungler is at their buff. The AoE camps will still slow him if he tries to full clear. Additionally better AD stats that early means stronger passive, so technically Warwick is still killable if he gets kitted, but if he can stick on targets and heal off his passive, then he shouldn’t die that easily, at in 2v1 scenario he would be able to stall long enough for his teammate to arrive.

Now I don’t want Warwick to be broken low elo champ and more base stats means more stats overall, so Warwick can have his scaling reduced so that the total stats are the same as it is now at LV18. And if Warwick’s early stats results in him winning more games, even against scaling champs then his scaling can be reduced even further to have worse stats at LV18 and give these scalers at chance if they survive to late game.

  • kammos_B
    10 months ago

    No thank you, WW already zones all toplane champions from farm on lvl 1, maybe with exception of Olaf