Basically title. For last couple of months i ve been seeing so many top 100 players being matched with 2.5k-2k ranks. Who is making these changes and how did they get to the conclusion that its better. People were complaining before that they were matched with 1k ranks. They are making so many changes matchmaking and behaviour score related lately that are complete shit, whats happening?

  • WellKnoB
    1 year ago

    Dont be biased Even in immortal matches earlier i got one match with a player divine, many immortals and immortals with number so its like 5k 6k 7k and 7.5k playing in the same game We had roles assigned Tell me how can 5k pos 1 outfarm 7.5k carry or win the game? We were taking rosh and about to go hg and our 5k drow ranger is still farming triangle No one flamed actually we were laughing and we won anyways It has always been highly varied I remember when there were no medals and the picking phase showing mmr of each player it was not varied like 10 players vary 50~100 mmr between highest and lowest one back in 2016