They said after an amount of time false reports wont really count, but its already been quite some time. So many people rage reporting and their reports have an impact
/u JeffHill please have a look at this post, this bug is happening for at least a few weeks.
My theory is that their coding of the comm score is based on reviewing your input, once you dip under 6k there is no input so there is no change, you cant increase it or decrease it. Its really fucked up anyway that this is happening for quite a while and still not fixed. Some players just have bad phases, not everyone deserves to be stuck without being able to ever use chat
sorry for not having high levels of tolerance towards clear stupidity/ignorance.
did you even read what i posted? or is your comprehension level preschool material? my communication score can not either INCREASE or DECREASE, it is STUCK at 5992 for WEEKS. it does not CHANGE, not one single motherfucking digit. capisci?
not really, there are just days where i talk back to people who start flaming instead of ignoring them and that gets reports too.
top 100 players getting matched with 2k ranks lately for some reason, high mmr mm is a complete shitfest
When they fix this bug they better compensate the communication score for all the conduct summaries that it was stuck. Im really confused as to who is working on those bugs. If there would be at least 1 person assigned for checking bugs on github tracker this issue should be fixed a long time ago.