I was going to come up with a hustle until I found out my wife was pregnant so I decided to put it to the side. Fast forward to around now, my kid is 2 and it’s pretty exhausting thinking about it now if I did go through my project. I personally couldn’t find myself continuing the project because I had a full-time job and even trying to work on my hustle at home, it gets too distracting but I also WANT to be a family man.

I have no judgment in any way and like to know if anyone ever managed to run their (new) projects while having a kid either on the way or just arriving. So far what I’ve seen in person, it seems the ones who kept their business up don’t spend a lot of time with their partner/kid. As said, I have no judgment and just like to know more about it.

  • yomatt41B
    10 months ago

    I have 3 kids under 2(twin boys 21months and a new born girl(6 weeks). I have talked about it before but I make good money blogging and started this newsletter where I write everyday for a year! It’s been hard but I make time for it all.

    It’s possible just gotta be 100% focused in the free time you have and make sure you do everything you can when they are napping, sleeping. I write tons of notes for myself so when they are in bed I jump right into action on the tasks I need to do.

    • Silver_Scallion_1127OPB
      10 months ago

      Blogging seems to be the most convenient for people with kids though I’m still sure it’s very hard work. I cant even do chores when my kid goes to nap. I get way too exhausted

  • RotoruaFunB
    10 months ago

    I chose to be an entrepreneur instead of having kids. Both take massive amounts of time and effort, it really depends on your priorities and disposition.

    For me, being an entrepreneur won out :) For you, it sounds like having kids did :)

  • CharonNixHydraB
    10 months ago

    Father of a 4 & 6 y/o. I am assuming for your day job you work in an office? I work from home. That’s the key difference. I don’t think this would work if I worked in an office. My typical day is I wake up (7:30ish) and help my wife wrangle the kids for the day. She takes the 4 y/o to pre-school and I usually wait for the bus to pick up my 6 y/o.

    From 9-5 it’s usually 80% my day job. I take some meetings for my startup but I usually save my brain space for the day job. From 5-6 is a transitional time. Sometimes I pick up something urgent for my startup, sometimes I want to wrap up something for my day job, and sometimes I just got hangout with my family.

    I am also the primary food provider. By 6 I’m in full chef mode. I ask my kids to help me cook most nights of the week. They really love it and it gives my wife a break. I’m huge into using a sous-vide and or rice cooker so I don’t have to spend a bunch of active time in the kitchen. We eat dinner together then start the get ready for bed process which I’m usually a full participant in.

    My wife goes to bed right about the same time my kids do 8:30-9:30 range but I’m a lifelong night owl. After they are in bed I work on my startup project I usually have to force myself to go to sleep around midnight. Sometimes I just can’t let it go and stay up past 2am but I try to steer myself way from doing that often.

    I’d really love to focus on just my startup but we aren’t there yet. Our pace is definitely slower than it could be if I were single or were able to quit my day job. At the same time I feel more engaged with my family than I did at my prepandemic office job and I believe my wife feels the same.