Expectations lowered?


Are you enjoying Darko’s coaching? How about the development of Malachi, or other bench guys?

Are your thoughts on Pascal or Scottie the same?

We are 8-9, almost .500 which is what I think most people expected.

Hate Masai or the FO?

Rebuild, get help? Let’s hear your thoughts.

  • zellmerzB
    10 months ago

    Overall expectations for the team/season are what I expected before the year started. Decent team that could fight for a playoff spot and maybe get past the first round if they get high enough seeding, but likely wouldn’t make it past there. You can see what they’re trying to build. There are good parts on this team, but they don’t seem to mesh as a whole overall, or at least they won’t without too many players developing at an above average rate.

    Scottie is looking awesome to start the season. He’s slowed down a bit offensively these past few games, but his defensive impact is still elite. I hope they go back to him being more of a help defender rather than a PoA defender (never has been his strongest trait). Also hoping to see Scottie impose his will a bit more on offense especially when he has the bench lineups, but I understand it’s pretty hard when he’s the only realistic offensive threat on the floor. If the bench players shot better I think it would open that game up for him because he could reliable drive and dish for a bucket. From the eye test he looks noticeably better having guys like Otto, Gary and Malachi on the floor with him if it’s all bench.

    OG is also super important to this team having any sort of success whether it’s this year or down the line. Hopefully the FO can sign him up long term this off season so at the very least we’ll have a core of OG and Scottie which defensively, is elite and their offensive skills pair well enough too.