Started a solo/duo game and thought this matchmaking looked very weird to start. Why are there two platinum players in a silver game? Even if their winrate isn’t that high. Figured maybe the mordekaiser is a smurf but doubted it when I looked at his stats and low and behold he told us he’s scared to go top, because there’s a plat yone waiting for him.

He ends up having an awful game where he goes 0/8 against the yone. Told us this was his second day playing ranked and he didn’t know the game would be this hard. Is this just how Riot treats new players nowadays? This is going to discourage him from playing completely. We didn’t flame him at all and even tried to help here and there by lane switching, but I know there’s a lot of players out there who’d be throwing all kinds of slurs at him. We just ended up surrendering at 15 minutes in the end.

The guy was completely terrified going top when Janna started talking about the weird matchmaking and I’m sure he did not enjoy this game at all…I get that smurfs are a problem that needs to be tackled, but this just feels wrong. The guy was completely terrified going top when Janna started talking about the weird matchmaking and ended up asking us multiple time to please not flame or report him. I’m sure he did not enjoy this game at all and this must’ve been an absolute turn off from trying out League any further.

If this is how newcomers are treated the game is going to die out really quick is all I’m going to say…

P.S. I’ve tried reaching out to him to give him some encouraging kind words btw, maybe play a normal with him, but he hasn’t accepted my friend request yet.

  • AtreusIsBackB
    10 months ago

    They are actively making the game more and more unbearable. It’s actually hilarious.