“Dolphins coach Mike McDaniel clarifies his love story, explaining that he didn’t bully one of his former players to secure attention of the woman who is now is wife”

“The skeleton of the story is correct, but there are a couple of important caveats,” McDaniel said.

First, the “perceived threat,” to former UMass tailback Steve Baylark was an over the top joke, according to McDaniel.

“It was in jest,” McDaniel said. "My wife was talking about me stealing people’s girl. The dude had met her for 45 seconds…It was a very unique scenario. It was a special place in our memories.

“I feel like I was painted out to be a D-bag,” McDaniel clarifies. “It wasn’t like that at all. It was nice and easy. We were celebrating as a team. I think Steve Baylark was well aware when I made that joke in jest it was more important to me than it was to him. And I’m pretty sure I was right. I have a family now.”