Wow, no one’s called out OP’s dum dum autocorrect with the word “sorry?” Get it together OP, yeesh.
Wow, no one’s called out OP’s dum dum autocorrect with the word “sorry?” Get it together OP, yeesh.
I’m having fun and choosing to have fun. I’m not getting in the way for others to share their past pain from past misery, but I’m going to have fun with it all while it lasts. Too much bad shit in the world.
This was labeled as one, Butler of the Titans picking one off a few years back, but wasn’t from the end zone and just 56 yards. I see it as a “regular” INT:
Seems like yesterday I bet! What a sweet memory.
Well at least this post isn’t low effort. I’m sure you’ve made a convincing argument to make people change their ways.
Well at least this post isn’t low effort. I’m sure you’ve made a convincing argument to make people change their ways.
I thought he did pretty good. Not perfect obviously and things to def give critique to. Additionally, I think some opinions show how we’ve been spoiled in a good way the way this offseason has been this year.
I say this liking Carr, but that winning drive was even better after seeing Carr smiling it up when the Raiders got their points before this. Not saying he shouldn’t have been smiling, but still lol.
-EDIT- Here is the CLIP of the Braile Mary sequence.
He-Man HAS found what he is looking for!
It would be cool if they had the old school stripes down the top center. Unless it does already. Still awesome as is.
Talking about the Drake comparison lol:
Dolphins lost to two contenders with the Chiefs and Eagles, so you’re right—losing to such a shitty team like the Bills does sting a little. Then again, seeing their overly smug fanbase being taken down a notch does take a little of that sting away.
Without being too corny and over the top here, the league just seems better when the Raiders are better—maybe it’s the glory years of the Raiders in the past. Of course those return to glory years can get on track after this Sunday lol.
Also, Crosby can take next Sunday off. I can send a note to the coach if need be.
OP, I am going to apologize ahead of time for being a major jerkstore here, but I believe this is literally the 7th time this has been posted. Again my apologies 😄
It’s like when I watched Avengers Infinity War. I read the comics and knew that there was no happy ending coming.