At the start of season 7 of Overwatch 2, tank was commonly considered not fun to play. Orisas, Zaryas and Bastions dominated every lobby, and most tanks in the game felt useless against them in low elo.

But I barely ever see either hero in unranked or competitive anymore. You see Orisa occasionally, but Zarya has disappeared almost entirely. I hardly see Bastion either. What happened? Neither tank hero has been nerfed, although Bastion has slightly.

My best guess is that both the Mauga event and Roadhog rework got tanks playing switching up to counter them to the point that they forgot that they used to main Zarya or Orisa. Dva is a good counter to Mauga and Roadhog, so I actually got to play my main without getting fried by a Zarya beam. But neither of the new heroes (including hog) counter the three previously-dominating heroes. In fact; those heroes actually counter both the new ones.

  • Severe-Belt-5666B
    10 months ago

    Zar was played to counter orisa who has been nerfed. So both of them are played less now. Bastion also got a nerf.

  • bXIII02B
    10 months ago

    I see bastion every single game, but I would argue Orisa and Zarya are boring and aside from meta slaves people still want to have fun in this game