1 year agoI see bastion every single game, but I would argue Orisa and Zarya are boring and aside from meta slaves people still want to have fun in this game
I see bastion every single game, but I would argue Orisa and Zarya are boring and aside from meta slaves people still want to have fun in this game
Both suzu and lamp can come in clutch but it really needs to line up with whats going on in the match otherwise people will still die after the effects are gone.
hate against our hot gay daddy won’t be tolerated! jk I disagree with your take mostly because he is perfect for the newer players because not everyone can start with Hanzo/Widow and just get picks or dive like Sombra/Tracer/Genji, you just point shoot, stay near your tank/healers and learn the basics of the game. A character like him has to exist in a game where most other heores have some crazy unique stuff
Sombra is my main dps and her main thing is using the opportunity when other team makes mistakes. So yes if other people are not peeling for their anas, zens and mercys I can delete them in 1 second, same with lone Widow, Hanzo or some other DPSes when I do not miss the virus. But if the supports are sticking together or they are playing anyone other than those 3 I mentioned it becomes really hard to be useful. And even when I kill Mercy your average solo q teamates will not capitalize on that. Sombra can easily be killed by most supports actually as well.
I would suggest playing her and you will see she has a lot of weaknesses actually, but still is a blast to play and probably in top 3 most fun heroes at the moment in my personal opinion.