Lots of people want David Tepper to sell the Carolina Panthers. Be careful what you wish for. I will have no interest whatsoever in the Saint Louis or Toronto or London Panthers. The stadium is not new and isn’t a dome, the city lacks the hotel capacity to host a super bowl, the roster is lacking in both marketable stars and the means to fix that, fan attendance is dwindling, regional TV coverage is shrinking, and national media attention is negligible. A new owner would have few if any reasons to leave the team in Charlotte. As frustrating as he has been as an owner, the one single thing he’s done right so far is to keep the Carolina Panthers in the Carolinas.

  • EWSandRCSSnukeOPB
    10 months ago

    Concur. When the Hornets left Charlotte, I not only stopped following the Hornets, I also quit watching NBA games. If the Panthers leave Charlotte, this season has prepared me to just find something else to do with my Sunday afternoons besides watching football.