How, other than results so far, is Tepper’s behavior different than that of Jerry Jones in Dallas?
How, other than results so far, is Tepper’s behavior different than that of Jerry Jones in Dallas?
Concur. When the Hornets left Charlotte, I not only stopped following the Hornets, I also quit watching NBA games. If the Panthers leave Charlotte, this season has prepared me to just find something else to do with my Sunday afternoons besides watching football.
I never said Tepper is loyal to the Carolinas, and I agree with you, the reason the Panthers are still there is purely economic based on sunk costs and nowhere else to go. However, a buyer from another city with a pre-existing stadium could move the team during the offseason.
Move Dalton to LT. He won’t be any worse in pass protection, but when he gets completely run over like a door mat he’ll draw a flag for roughing the quarterback, and the resulting 15 yard gain will be a better outcome than 95% of the called offensive plays.
It’s so much eaiser for people to blame the famous billionaire instead of the faceless city council when a deal falls through for unforeseen reasons and the billionaire refuses to pay the entire tab he hadn’t agreed upon.