I know there are probably a lot of posts out there saying the same thing I am, about how gaming isn’t what it used to be, since publishers are now more focused on making money than keeping a solid player base andaking a solid game.

I have been playing games my whole life from casually to competitively, even going as far as commentating games for leagues and tournaments, so it really breaks my heart when I turn on my PC, and realize I have no drive to play anything.

I end up booting up a random game, but then get no enjoyment out of it. Even when I know I won’t be having that much fun, I still do it; maybe because I have nothing better to do, or maybe I hope that this time I’ll really enjoy playing.

I don’t know it’s just a little rant. I’m posting this just so I get other people’s thoughts on my situation and that of gaming as a whole. I really want to enjoy gaming as much as I used too, but it’s hard at the moment. Do you guys suggest I try a take a break, discover a new genre of gaming, even a new hobby, or something else entirely?

Thanks for listening have and have a good day!

  • ossswaldoB
    10 months ago

    Like the 2x says…. It’s a snooze fest out there…

  • SmallcleoB
    10 months ago

    It’s a shame you feel that way, perhaps as you’ve said, take a break for a while and come back when you’re enthused to do so 👍

  • AskThemHowTheyKnowItB
    10 months ago

    Uhhh you’re describing a personal problem not a gaming one.

    There are hundreds and hundreds of games around, by orders of magnitudes more variety and quality than any time in history.

    Sounds like you’re burned out from gaming too much to the exclusion of other activities, and might benefit from some exercise, social stuff, book reading, hobbies, sports, cooking, ANYTHING will be great for you and also bring back joy to gaming - doing anything all the time makes it boring, i wouldnt want to eat nothing but chocolate cake forever even if i like cake

    mix things up, this has nothing to do with availability of games - game pass alone has hundreds of amazing games of all imaginable types

  • JasonAndLuciaB
    10 months ago

    Tell me, what games do you like? What did you play when you were younger and didn’t believe games were bland?