No wrong answers here friends! Let’s keep the good vibes going in our sub share which player in our history is your personal favorite.

Terrell Davis: I was only 10 the year we won our first SB. During the regular season he and some other players came to our grade school. I won the book reading challenge for my grade so I got to have lunch with TD. I asked him he would could just play catch instead of eating because my dad took off on us so I didn’t have anyone to throw the ball to me anymore. He had me run routes and threw to me, taught me how to take handoffs, and even let me tackle him. Then he asked my teacher if I could stay out of class to eat since we skipped lunch. He sat in the cafeteria with me for an hour and listened to all of my favorite plays of his. He gave me his jersey he was wearing and told me to take good care of it. I wore it in school pictures for 3 years in a row. I wore it when we faced the packers in the SB. Terrell Davis is the reason we won that game. And I still wear it when I watch games as an adult in my mid 30s. As an adult and father I think about that and realize that he didn’t have to do any of that shit, he just did it to make some kids day. TD is a genuinely good human.

so much to love about this guy. Sixth round draft pick originally slated to be a 4th or 5th string RB. Destined for practice squad or ST. Ended up earning the starting spot after one preseason.

Went on to have one of the greatest single seasons in RB history. Super bowl MVP. NFL MVP. NFL OPOTY. Absolutely annihilated opponents in the post-season. Earned a place in the HOF despite only having a 7 year career. Mastered the mile high salute.

love me some TD

  • SuicidebyOrangeNBlueB
    10 months ago

    John Elway. He was drafted when I was 2.5 He is the QB I grew up with. He took 3 different trash cans to the SB before he got to ride on a trailer to the two he won. Sharpe and Mecklenburg are close seconds.

    • TrevansB
      10 months ago

      How the fuck is this so far down? God I feel so old 😭😭😭

      • TrevansB
        10 months ago

        Yep, same here. When he retired, I actually quit watching for a couple years. He was the only Broncos QB I had ever known (besides backups) and it just wasn’t the same without him.

    • ID2negrosorientalB
      10 months ago

      DS49 was the man! Definitely one of my all-time favorite Broncos of all time as well. Another one of the many Broncos that if they had the same type of career playing in Pittsburgh or Dallas would have been in the HOF years ago. He was not only great in coverage but would inflict some punishment during tackles. I also still remember when he blocked 2 FG attempts back to back because the first one got negated due to one of his teammates being offside. Playing his entire career in Denver is the cherry on top.

  • GQDragonB
    10 months ago

    Fantastic TD story that really epitomizes what a special man he is. I always loved his humility. The mile high salute was a total reflection of that vibe that really rubbed off on the whole team. Him and Elway and Rod Smith are my favorites. I wore number 80 in high school in honor of Rod Smith and ended up having a pretty fun career as an all state receiver in the 90’s.

  • OldBrokeGrouchB
    10 months ago

    Hate to be the one with the obvious, but John Elway is the guy for me. He made me love football to begin with. I idolized him as a kid growing up watching him play. I cried when they won that first Super Bowl and my dad, a die hard Seahawks fan, gave me a big warm hug and was genuinely happy for me. I was a pretty sensitive kid and my mood on Mondays during football seasons was dependent on how the Broncos did. Other kids were into comic books and cartoons, I was nerded out on the Denver Broncos.

    The only fist fight and suspension from school I’d ever gotten in was the first day of school the same year Denver won XXXIII. I was wearing a brand new Broncos jacket and a kid accused me of being a bandwagon fan. Him and his friend both beat the shit out of me, but I got the first punch in.

  • subduderecordsB
    10 months ago

    John Elway - the drive against Cleveland in 1986 was pure magic.

  • DutyPuzzleheaded7765B
    10 months ago

    Peyton Manning and Von Miller but mostly Peyton. I’m young and Suoer Bowl 50 was special. Also I hate Brady and the Broncos best him

  • DtownBronxB
    10 months ago

    Steve Atwater. He was a Razorback which gave me reasonable justification to not be a cowboys fan like everyone else around me. Weirdly those people are now chiefs fans. They couldn’t argue with me for loving a Razorback. Also he was a badass, he turned the Nigerian Nightmare into a daydream about bunnies.

  • cblackwe93B
    10 months ago

    Has to be Von…I started watching football and the Broncos around 2006 and saw a little bit of Champ but mostly it was the dreary Cutler/Orton years of sorrow until Tebow/Von arrived.

    Watching this dude be an absolute menace was truly something, it always felt like as long as Von was on the field there was a chance for a strip sack, or massive loss of yards to take the opponent out of field goal range, or whatever that would seal it.

    I was legitimately sad when we traded him, but happy he got another ring and I know he will definitely sign a 1-day deal to retire a Bronco.

  • Live795B
    10 months ago

    DT, something about him during the Tebow season, he was a beast that year and the Steelers game solidified my man crush for him. I think Rod Smith, Champ, Von and Darrent Williams would round out my top 5