Truth be told, McDermott is a good but not great head coach. I think he is the defensive version of Mike McCarthy. I am preaching to the coir here but at the same time it needs to be said in collective with how the fanbase feels.

Someday, I think in this cursed city of Buffalo, Terry Pegula will be sitting at his desk at one Bills drive pondering how he could never win the big one, and the entire time the answer has been in front of him. Coaching and play calling has not been good enough. Simply put, it hasnt. Look at the last three seasons and it just hasnt been good enough. Last two seasons Dorsey handicapped this offense. It truly does look so incredibly fluid with Joe Brady at the helm and I hope he stays long term, even if the Bills hire an offensive coach.

Looking at the last decade in the nfl one thing is clear, if your name is not Bill Bellicheck with Tom Brady as your QB, no defensive head coach has won a superbowl. Ever think about that? Sean McVay was hired one day after McDermott and won a superbowl with a lesser QB despite the Bills by all means having more talent every where other than defensiveline.

It isnt clutch, it isnt any of that, Sean McDermott folds when the game is on the line. He plays the coward, the I dont want to lose because of me going for it and the NFL has passed him by. Josh allen is flat out generational, there is not a single qb with his skill set. Pat Mahomes might have the arm but he aint jumping over 6’5 linebackers. Yet Sean can not win when it matters, he consistently gets outcoached.

The fanbase deserves to win and Brandon Beane built this roster to win, sure he over payed for Von Miller, but he acquired great talent all around this team. Best secondary in the nfl for a multi-year period, acquired a top 5 receiver in the game, has a top 10 ish oline, has a top 10 tight end in the nfl, has good running back in james cook, every where other than cb2 this team has great players and yet Sean couldnt beat the fucking Jets on opening night.

If we never win a superbowl, Terry Pegula is going to regret wasting the greatest quarterback that has ever graced this team.

  • dinninittB
    10 months ago

    McDermott is good, he’s like Marty Schottenheimer. We’ll always be competitive and we’ll never win the Super Bowl. Maybe that’s all Terry wants, is a team that puts fans in the new stadium. Kim was the competitive owner that wanted championships and Terry is a businessman that wants revenue. Maybe we’ll get lucky and win one in the future…

  • Bagelbau5B
    10 months ago

    Oh look original post number 67 about Mcd

  • kompletistB
    10 months ago

    Well said, definitely where my head is at. McDermott has shown us who he is. While reading, this old fable came to mind. Starring McD as the Scorpion, Late Game Decisions as The River, and Us/Franchise as The Frog.

    A frog was hopping along the shore of a river looking for a place to cross. He came upon a scorpion sitting on the shore. “Hello, frog,” said the scorpion. “It appears you are looking to cross the river. I too want to cross. Would you mind carrying me?”

    The frog was taken aback. “Why, if I let you on my back to cross the river, you’d sting me and I would die. I don’t think I’ll do that.”

    The scorpion immediately replied, “There is no logic to your concern. If I sting you and you die, I will surely die as well, since I can’t swim.”

    The frog thought a moment and then said, “Your logic makes sense. Why would you kill me if it would result in your death? Come along and climb on my back and we’ll cross this river.”

    The scorpion climbed on the frog’s back and off they went to cross the river.

    About halfway across the river, the scorpion raised its tail and stung the frog. The frog was both astounded and disconsolate. “Why did you sting me? Now I will die and you will surely drown and die also.”

    The scorpion replied, “I can’t help it. It’s who I am. It’s in my nature.”