i dont think im the only one who tested PBE items and realised ‘where tf did all my CDR go??’
hopefully there’s some ppl will side with my opinion here that CDR is quite lacking in S14 and we shld have a bit more
here are my thoughts on what the items ability haste in League S14 should be (fighter/tank/assassin items mostly):
Triforce -> should have at least 20AH
Black Cleaver -> at least 20AH
Youmuus -> at least 10AH
Stridebreaker -> at least 10AH
Jaksho -> at least 10AH
Heartseel -> at least 10AH
Iceborn Gauntlet -> at least 20AH
Sunfire Aegis -> at least 15 AH
Eclipse -> at least 20AH
Ionian boots -> at least 20AH
overall, i just feel ability haste adds so much more fun to the game because im the kind of guy who likes to spam my skills. i predict some of the above items will eventually get buffed in ability haste and probably nerfed in some of their other stats eg. HP or damage, which im completely ok with
what r ur thoughts on the current S14 items? (i will miss goredrinker a lot LOL)
spotted the Zoomer. AH reduces skill checks
ok i guess it’s just me then 😭